2024 Golden Pasties

The Hottest Freshman

For the most dynamic newbie on the scene.

And the Winner is:

Artina Darkly (Queens, NY)

The Dorothy Award

For the performer most likely to bring their dog into the dressing room during a show.

And the Winner is:

Audrey Love (NYC)

The TMZ Award

For the performer most likely to have all the gossip.

And the Winner is:

Lil Miss Lixx (Brooklyn, NY)

The Crocs Award

For the performer most likely to wear comforatable shoes on stage.

And the Winner is:

Fancy Feast (Brooklyn, NY)

The Carrot Top Award

For the performer most likely to use the most props.

And the Winner is:

Andrea Flow (Jersey City, NJ)

The Arnold Schwarzenegger Award

For the performer most likely to post videos of themselves pumping iron.

And the Winner is:

Puss N Boots (NYC)

The Skin of the Teeth Award

For the performer most likely to show up just in the nick of time.

And the Winner is:

Olive TuPartie (NYC)

The Supercalifragilisticexpialidcious Award

For the performer with the silliest stage name.

And the Winner is:

The Schlep Sisters (Brooklyn, NY)

The Count Dracula Award

For the most Goth Perfomer.

And the Winner is:

Miscellaneous Dom Top (NYC)

The Chatty Cathy Award

For the performer most likely to dominate the conversation backstage.

And the Winner is:

Minnie Tonka (Brooklyn, NY)

The Snoop Dogg Award

For the performer most likely to smoke pot onstage.

And the Winner is:

Stormy Leather (Brooklyn, NY)

The Busy Beaver Award

For the performer most likely to book three separate shows in a single evening.

And the Winner is:

Pearls Daily (NYC)

The Urkel Award

For the performer most likely to perform in every Nerdlesque Show possible.

And the Winner is:

Queerly Femmetastic (Brooklyn, NY)

Ride or Die Award

For the performer that will always have your back.

And the Winner is:

Dominant Jeane (NYC)

The Nip Slip Award

For the performer most likely to lose their pasties mid-act... either by accident or intentionally.

And the Winner is:

Peekaboo Pointe (Brooklyn, NY)

The Bozo Award

For the performer who is the most clowny.

And the Winner is:

2 to Fly (NYC)

For all inquiries: info@thenewyorkburlesquefestival.com

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